The best way to stay safe on Craigslist ads is to use icy cash to have a payment. Should you be hesitant to give cash, you can visit the local police station or maybe the Diamond Area Federal Credit Union. Never give more than you should buy a thing. You can also buy a counterfeit detector pen, which you may find for the most part office supply stores for around $5. You should always listen to your instinct when it comes to Craigslist ads transactions. It is not uncommon with regards to scammers to pose for the reason that trustworthy persons, but it is most beneficial to avoid accomplishing this, even if you usually are sure.
Your local craigslist ads trades involve unknown people, so you should always be extra careful when swapping personal information. A good way to stay safe is to use a great anonymous email account. Don’t include your name in your email; instead, use your initial name and phone number. You can also exchange these kinds of email addresses considering the other party. Be wary of strangers requesting your own personal information, together with your credit card number.
Another way to remain safe on Craigslist is to meet in a general population place. Should you have an item for sale, try to satisfy at a public place where the two of you can be seen. A fastpaced shopping plaza is an ideal area for such a meeting. For anyone who is selling a large item, make sure the shopper meets you somewhere secure, such as a cafe. In the event that they’re going to your home, have their cell number all set so you can text message them to build a meeting.